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You need to have the correct posture when you are seated at the piano, otherwise you can experience back pain and stress in your joints.

1. The first rule of correct posture is to keep your back straight. Your torso may bend towards the piano.
2. Keep your head up. DON’T crane your neck to look at the sheet music. The sheet music should be positioned for easy visibility.
3. Your shoulders and arms should be loose and relaxed. If you need to do some stretches beforehand, feel free!
There are 3 types of pianos:
• Grand pianos
• Upright pianos
• Digital pianos

Grand piano

Grand piano is the best sound quality piano. Generally, in pianos, the bigger the better, and grand pianos are the granddaddies of the piano world. They are over nine feet long, and their frame and strings extend horizontally, perpendicular to the keyboard. They have longer bass strings than an upright piano, with a roller action that gives a superb playing response. However, due to their size, they are found less in homes than in concert halls. The powerful sound they produce requires a spacious room with high ceilings for proper

Piano pedals are foot-operated levers at the base of a piano which change the instrument's sound in various ways. Modern pianos usually have three pedals. You can further modify the sound that you produce by using one of a piano’s two to three pedals. The soft pedal (una corda) on the left will make the sound quieter, while the damper pedal on the right will lift the dampers off all the strings

Do you know How a Piano Works?  You can find the answer here. The picture above displays body inside a piano. Everything starts when you press a key. When you press a key down, a device called a jack pushes the hammer towards a string. The hammer strikes the string, causing it to vibrate, and falls back immediately. (If the hammer didn't fall back, the sound produced would not be a clear tone but rather a “clonk”!) As the force with which you press a key determines how hard the hammer will strike, you can achieve a wide range in volume simply with how hard or softly you press a key.
Welcome to Learning How to Play Piano Online blog.  The ultimate guide for learning to play the piano! In this blog you’re going to get everything you need to know, from hand placements to harmony. You’re going to learn about keys, chords, scales, rhythm, tempo, dynamics, and arpeggios. In short, you’ll be able to understand music inside and out, all in a fun, easy-to-understand format.the piano should be fun, cool, and cutting edge!